Erasmus+ kurzy

Učitelia a všetci zamestnanci zodpovední za vzdelávanie na základných, stredných a vysokých školách (tiež odborné vzdelávanie a príprava, školy pre vzdelávanie dospelých a mládež) môžu požiadať o finančné prostriedky na realizáciu projektov mobility s cieľom ponúknuť svojim zamestnancom alebo študentom školenia a/alebo možnosti sa vzdelávať.

Naše OID  E10155217
ENGLISH LANGUAGE for Teachers, Educators and School Staff
ENGLISH LANGUAGE for Teachers, Educators and School Staff


Other dates: can be agreed upon with us

Registration form

400,00 €
The course is eligible to be completely funded by the Erasmus+.

English teacher trainers designed  for teachers and educators:
  • Who feel their level of English needs to be improved
  • Who need to use English in their job
  • Who would like to begin with the Content and Language Integrated Learning project or starting projects with European project
  • Would like to increase their confidence in English
Our 5 days intensive course focuses on developing the speaking, reading, writing as well listening skills and practising the English language. This course focuses on learning by doing through conversational abilities as the base of the Communicative Method and increases participants´ speaking abilities, The main goal is to increase participants´ understanding of grammar and vocabulary within their specific teaching discipline.

After the course the participant boosting confidence and fluency in the teachers and educators fields
25 lessons of General English at all levels, from beginner to advanced Students are tested and placed in international classes at the appropriate level.
The teachers will meet their colleagues and peers from other EU countries. They will have the opportunity to network and exchange experiences and also connect while continuing to learn English and develop reading, writing and speaking skills, as well as exploring the local culture and history.

Learning outcomes    
  • Actively and confidently use basic vocabulary and grammar;
  • Improve understanding and listening skills;
  • Grammar tasks  and sentence structures;
  • Be instructed on how to properly pronounce words and complex sentences;
  • Become familiar with English for field of participant (CLIL), Erasmus project Routine classroom language, instructions
  • Role play, storytelling and drama activities
  • Games - Online and digital tasks and apps
  • Participate in innovative Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
  • activities;
  • Use multi-media sources to develop participants understanding
  • Meet teachers from other European schools

Methodology & assessment 
Each participant will get a Certificate of Attendance

Target audience ISCED:
Primary education (ISCED 1)
Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)

Target audience type:
Head Teacher / Principal
Teacher Educator

Learning time:
20-25 hours

Number of Participants: 4 - 14
Course length: 5 days / Monday- Friday
Language: English

Certificate type    
Certificate of Attendance, with  course contents description (participant needs to have 80% of attendance)



Na jazykovom kurze som bola veľmi milo prekvapená ústretovým a priateľským prístupom lektorov a ďalších zamestnancov jazykovej školy. Vyskúšala som si rôzne metódy výuky a učenia. Zoznámila som sa s mnohými novými trendmi získavania informácií. Veľká vďaka patrí nášmu lektorovi Filipovi, ktorý nás zbavil strachu konverzovať v angličtine. Naučila som sa ďalšie slová. Hodiny s Filipom a Tarou boli veľmi pestré a zábavné. S ďalšími kolegyňami sme sa cítili uvoľnene a príjemným zážitkom bol aj obed v stredu na promenáde pri Dunaji. Veľmi ďakujem, že som mohla byť súčasťou projektu Erasmus.
Chcela by som sa veľmi poďakovať za priateľskú atmosféru na vašej škole. Ako úplný začiatočník mi vyhovoval prístup obidvoch lektorov Filipa a Tary. Na hodinách som sa cítila uvoľnene a každý deň som sa posúvala k lepšej výslovnosti slovíčok aj fráz. Snažila som sa porozumieť aj anglickým pokynom. Páčila sa mi práca vo dvojiciach, ale aj striedanie partneriek pri rozhovoroch, zaraďovanie dramatizácie reálnych situácií, práce s obrázkovými materiálmi a pracovnými listami. Mali sme priestor na vyjadrenie.Taktiež popoludňajšia prechádzka a výborný obed v reštaurácii ma veľmi potešili. Tiež som načerpala nové skúsenosti, ako možno pracovať na našich hodinách. Odnášam si nové námety, napríklad umelú inteligenciu v technológiách. Ďakujem.
Na kurze panovala veľmi priateľská a uvoľnená atmosféra. Cítila som sa tu veľmi príjemne. Učitelia a lektori Filip a Tara mali hodiny zaujímavé a pútavo pripravené. Snažili sa nám podávať čo najviac informácií s ohľadom na zloženie účastníkov. Pri Filipovi som si rozšírila obzory o umelú inteligenciu s presahom do svojho života. Pri Tare som zistila, že aj s rodenou hovoriacou sa nemusím obávať komunikovať. Krásna bola aj prechádzka a spoločný obed.Ďakujem nielen lektorom, ale tiež vedeniu školy za možnosť zúčastniť sa projektu Erasmus. Ďakujem a prajem vám všetko dobré.
Na anglický kurz som odchádzala s obavami, keďže moje jazykové znalosti neboli na dobrej úrovni, už pri prvej pondelkovej lekcii som však bola milo prekvapená predovšetkým prístupom lektora Filipa a následne aj prístupom lektorky Tary. Veľmi ľudský, príjemný prístup, ktorý odbúral môj strach z výuky vzhľadom k tomu, že kurz bol vytvorený na mieru. Keďže nás vtedy bolo 7 študentov prebiehala výuka veľmi spontánne a akčne. Veľmi ďakujem, že mi bolo umožnené prežiť si a absolvovať túto životnú skúsenosť na International House Bratislava.
Príjemní ľudia,to znamená vyvážený prístup lektora a lektorky posúvajúci dopredu, ale aj rešpektujúci tempo účastníčok. To bolo motivujúce v snahe zlepšovať komunikáciu a ochotu, nebáť sa prehovoriť. Schopnosť a túžba hovoriť bola lektormi naozaj podporovaná.Taktiež kolektív účastníčok a ich príjemná vzájomná spolupráca boli pre mňa veľké plus. Vašu školu si zapamätám ako veľmi ústretovú, kde sa vyhovie aj malým detailom.

CLIL for Schools

CLIL for Schools

Other dates: can be agreed upon with us

Registration form

Course fee: 400,00 €

One of the latest buzzwords (or buzz-acronyms) in language education is CLIL. But what exactly are the benefits of Content and Language Integrated Learning for language learning specifically, as well as for content-based learning? In this course, participants will discover how CLIL lessons can be utilised in a variety of contexts in order to improve students’ content knowledge and language use.

Course participants will learn how to link curriculum topics to linguistic communication, and how language fluency can be developed in conjunction with subject knowledge. They will also look at the role that the language school can play, as well as the state education system, in developing these competencies. As well as providing a theoretical grounding, the course will offer a practical framework for CLIL lessons for a variety of student levels and ages in a number of subjects.

By the end of the course, participants will have learned about CLIL theory, the symbiosis of content and language learning, the role of the language school in providing CLIL lessons to a variety of levels and ages, adapting CLIL frameworks for different subjects, and how students’ specifically linguistic competencies can be nurtured and developed.

Learning outcomes
Identify the key features of CLIL
  • Understand the connection between subject-based and language-based learning
  • Appreciate the role that language schools can play, as well as the classic education system, in providing CLIL classes
  • Design CLIL activities and lessons for specific groups of students
  • Feel confident when teaching a subject through the medium of a foreign language
Number of Participants: 4 - 12

Course length: 5 days / Monday- Friday

LANGUGE: English

N.of TH: 25

Artificial Intelligence for Busy Teachers

Artificial Intelligence for Busy Teachers

In this digital age, understanding and utilising AI tools is not just an advantage but a necessity for educators. Our course will provide insights into how AI can transform classroom efficiency, personalise student learning experiences, and foster innovative teaching methodologies.

Upcoming sessions

Registration form

Fee: 400 Euro
Package contents: Course

Artificial Intelligence (AI), a term that has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, is revolutionising the field of education. It offers unparalleled tools for students and educators, simplifying routines and enhancing learning experiences. This course is tailored to introduce AI to educators, catering to both beginners and advanced users seeking to streamline their work through automation. Participants will explore practical applications of AI in education – from generating creative lesson plans and constructing comprehensive tests to creating visual aids and immersive images. We will guide teachers on harnessing AI's potential, paving the way for a new, more efficient era in education.

Learning objectives
  • Understanding AI Fundamentals: Gain a solid understanding of the basics of artificial intelligence, including key concepts, types of AI, and how it's applied in educational settings.
  • Developing Interactive Content: Explore how to use AI to develop engaging and interactive content, such as immersive educational games, simulations, and virtual reality experiences.
  • AI Tools for Education: Learn about various AI tools and software that can assist in lesson planning, grading, and creating interactive learning materials.
  • Enhancing Student Engagement and Motivation: Discover strategies to use AI-driven tools to increase student engagement and motivation, incorporating elements like AI-based quizzes, interactive learning modules, and gamified learning experiences.
  • AI in Assessment and Feedback: Learn how to leverage AI for more efficient and effective assessment methods. Understand how AI can provide instant, personalised feedback to students, helping them to improve their learning process.

Methodology & assessment
Expert-Led Instruction: The course is facilitated by seasoned teacher trainers who are not only well-versed in AI concepts but have also actively incorporated AI tools in their teaching practices.
Practical Application Focus: Emphasis is placed on real-world application. Instructors will demonstrate how they have successfully integrated AI in their classrooms, providing practical examples and case studies.
Interactive Sessions: The course includes interactive sessions where participants will engage in hands-on activities, using AI tools and software. This approach allows educators to directly experience how AI can be integrated into their teaching methods.
Collaborative Learning: Participants will have opportunities to collaborate with peers, sharing experiences and strategies for implementing AI in education. This collaborative environment fosters a community of learning and mutual growth.
Continuous Support and Feedback: Instructors will provide ongoing support and feedback, ensuring that participants can confidently apply what they learn in their educational settings.

Additional information
Language:    English (minimum requirement: B1 level)

Target audience ISCED:
  • Primary education (ISCED 1)
  • Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
  • Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
Target audience type:
  • Teacher
  • ICT Coordinator
  • Teacher Educator
Learning time: 20-25 hours

Art-Infused CLIL for Primary School Teachers

Art-Infused CLIL for Primary School Teachers

Join us for a unique educational experience with our course, "Art-Infused CLIL for Primary School Teachers," which is tailored for educators looking to integrate art into language and content instruction. This course delves into using artistic methods to enrich CLIL methodology, specifically aimed at pupils in primary schools.


Registration form

Price: 400,00 €

"Art-Infused CLIL for Primary School Teachers" presents an innovative teaching approach, merging artistic expressions with language and content learning.   The course begins with foundational insights into CLIL's role in early education, emphasizing the value of integrating art for a more stimulating learning experience. You will explore elements of visual and dramatic arts, enhancing the engagement and comprehension of young learners.   This course is designed to equip teachers with the skills to blend artistic practices with language instruction effectively. It offers practical techniques for infusing art into everyday teaching scenarios and strategies for evaluating the success of these art-integrated CLIL methods.

Learning objectives
  1. Grasping CLIL with Art: Understand the concept of CLIL and the role of art in enriching young learners' educational experiences.
  2. Using Art in CLIL: Implement art-centric CLIL methodologies in your classroom, combining content and language learning with creative arts.
  3. Develop Linguistic and Artistic Talents: Improve language skills in young learners while fostering their artistic development.
  4. Mastering Subject Knowledge via Art: Use artistic methods to strengthen subject matter understanding in an engaging way.
  5. Creative Engagement in Learning: Create a lively and interactive learning atmosphere that captivates and motivates young minds.
  6. Resource Utilization for Art-CLIL: Access a range of teaching aids and a vide variety of resources to support the application of art in CLIL.

Methodology & assessment
Expert-Led Instruction: The course is facilitated by seasoned teacher trainers who actively incorporate these tools and techniques in their teaching practices.

Interactive Sessions: The course includes interactive sessions where participants will engage in hands-on activities with a focus on using art to teach CLIL.This approach allows educators to directly experience how the topic of CLIL can be approached when working through art.

Collaborative Learning: Participants will have opportunities to collaborate with peers, sharing experiences and strategies for implementing art to teach language. This collaborative environment fosters a community of learning and mutual growth.

Continuous Support and Feedback: Instructors will provide ongoing support and feedback, ensuring that participants can confidently apply what they learn in their educational settings.

Participants are required to attend at least 80% of the course.

Additional information
Language: English
Target audience ISCED:
  • Early childhood education (ISCED 0)
  • Primary education (ISCED 1)
  • Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
Target audience type:
  • Teacher
  • Student Teacher
  • Teacher Educator
Learning time: 20-25 hours

Job shadowing

Job shadowing

In Erasmus+ Job Shadowing, you can choose the dates that are the most convenient for you. However, considering the job shadowing schedule depends on the teachers schedule your will shadow. Can be residential (in one school for the whole period of mobility) or non-residential (in multiple schools). Please consider that, especially in a primary school, the teacher you are shadowing might not spend more than 4 hours a day in the school.
The job shadowing will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia. It can last from 2 to 5 days (Monday-Friday).

  • The education system in Slovakia (school curriculum and curriculum of relevant subjects for the participant, non-formal and formal education in Slovakia, project activities, international activities, Inclusion at hosting school)
  • Observation of relevant classes at school (educational methods used, literature used, ICT tools used, way of motivating students, evaluation of students, organisation of students in class, educational content)
  • Searching for common topics for the next collaboration and project activities with EU schools, exchange of good practice, inclusion, ideas of how we may collaborate in the future.
  • Useful resources and tools as well as specific rules for the exam

Registration form

Intensive Business English for Educational Staff

Intensive Business English for Educational Staff

You don’t need to have had experience of working in business to teach Business English; but you do need to have confidence in teaching the skills that are encountered on a Business English course. This programme will give you the skills and confidence for a variety of Business English scenarios.

It will look at skills such as telephoning, formal email writing, giving presentations, engaging in small talk and taking part in negotiations. The focus will be on the language used in these business situations, employed effectively, in order to boost language results and increase students’ confidence. Therefore, the course will provide practice in role-plays and performing the activities and skills which are necessarily met on a Business English syllabus.

During the course, participants will look at a variety of tasks and activities which help students develop their language skills within a specifically business context. As well as critically assessing coursebook presentations and authentic materials from a variety of business sources, it will also employ role-plays, simulations, email / messenger writing, and impromptu mini-presentations. Participants will have the opportunity to design their own materials for future use in their own classrooms.

By the end of the course, participants will have grown in confidence in teaching Business English skills to their students. They will leave the course with a variety of ideas and activities to make business skills learning effective and engaging for all students at a variety of levels.

Learning outcomes
Develop greater confidence in teaching Business English, even for those with no previous experience of working in a business context
  • Have a critical understanding of the strengths and limitations of coursebooks and authentic business materials
  • Appreciate the knowledge and expertise that students can bring to class
  • Be ready to use a variety of activities to develop certain business-focused tasks
  • Appreciate the role of functional language in Business English, as much as grammar and lexical development
  • Design Business English activities for a range of students at a variety of levels
N. of Participants: 4 - 12

Course length: 5 days / Monday- Friday

LANGUGE: English


Registration form

Price: 400,00 €

N.of TH: 25