
Crashcourse /B2 First and C1 Advanced preparation

Saturday Live online crash course for the B2 First and C1 Advanced exam


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Preparation for B2 First and C1 Advanced exam


Crashcourse / B2 First & C1 Adv.

We will cover the main exam techniques to help you pass the exam.


Live online

The course takes place online in a virtual classroom.

Number of lessons


5x60 minute lessons



The teachers share the used teaching materials with the students.

What is covered by the crash course?

  • You will familiarise yourself with the Cambridge exam format.
  • We will show you how many points are allocated to each test part.
  • We will introduce you to useful strategies completing the test tasks effectively and successfully.
  • We will show you how to get the best possible result, and manage your time during the exam.
  • We will give you the opportunity to take part in a mock speaking exam.
  • We will introduce you to online exam preparation materials.