Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

CELTA is the most widely recognised English teaching qualification in the world. It’s the qualification most often requested by employers; three out of four English language teaching jobs require a CELTA qualification.

What's in the CELTA course?

The CELTA course covers the principles of effective teaching, and gives you a range of teaching techniques and practical experience. You get hands-on teaching practice and observation of experienced teachers, and you’ll apply your learning by delivering communicative teaching with English language learners.

CELTA Application form  
Dates and fees

CELTA Part-time in 2025 (100% online)

Mon 17 March - Fri 23 May 2025
9-week course: Candidates need to be available: Mon/Wed 17:00-21:00 (teaching practice and feedback) and Friday 17:00-21:00 (input).
Course fee: 1390€

CELTA Full-time in 2025 (face-to-face)

30 June to 25 July 2025
4-week course: Monday to Friday - all day long
Course fee: 1390€

CELTA Application form  

Free consultation
Thinking about taking the CELTA?
Speak to an experienced CELTA tutor.  Arrange a free consultation.

Are you thinking about a career on ELT, but don’t know where to start?  Maybe you’re an experienced teacher who wants to take their teaching to the next level?
The CELTA course is a great way to get into teaching English or hone the teaching skills you already have.  Most candidates regard it as the most rewarding academic experience of their life, but they will all tell you that it is also very demanding.
Meet our Course Tutor for a free CELTA consultation.  They can answer any questions you have about the course, help you through the application process, and give you advice about your career in ELT.

Registration for Free consultation

Registration details
For a free CELTA consultation, complete the form above and we’ll be in touch to arrange an online meeting.

Eligibility and Requirement

A Entry requirements, as stated by Cambridge Assessment English:
  1. Applicants must be at least 18 years old by the end of the course.
  2. Applicants must have a near-native level of English – equivalent to IELTS 7.5 or a C2 or high C1 level. Please note – this level does not need to be on paper as your English will be assessed throughout the application process.
  3. Applicants must have an awareness of language and a competence in English, both written and spoken, that enables to undertake the course and prepare for teaching a range of levels.
  4. Applicants must have the potential to develop the necessary skills to become effective teachers and to complete successfully the written assignments and the assessment of teaching practice.
  5. There is no formal academic entry requirement. It is, however, recommended that applicants should have formal qualifications which would allow entry into higher education in their own country.

B The International House Bratislava application process:
  1. Read through the information which can be found on both CELTA-training's and Cambridge’s website and if you need any more information, please contact us via email or phone.
  2. Fill in and send the application form and fill in pre-interview tasks and send back together with the times and dates when you are available for an oral interview.
  3. IH Bratislava will confirm receipt of your application within 3 working days and you will be contacted with the result. This could be in one of three forms:
    • You are invited to a selection interview at International House Bratislava or a telephone /skype interview; or
    • We request additional information before your application can be taken further; or
    • Your application is turned down.
  4. If your application is accepted you will be interviewed, and informed at the end of the interview as to whether or not you are to be offered a place.
  5. You will be sent additional pre-course information.

C Interview Procedure:
The interview is a Cambridge Assessment English regulation. The primary purpose is to ensure that you have the potential to comfortably pass the course (before you decide to invest the time and money. An in-person interview lasts two hours and includes written tasks (one hour and 20 mins) and an oral interview (up to 40 mins). The written tasks can be done before and handed in up to 30 minutes before your interview. At this stage, you have an opportunity to ask any questions about the course to the course tutor or an experienced trainer.

Applicants within the Slovak Republic will be interviewed at International House Bratislava, Nám. SNP 14, 81106 Bratislava; applicants from outside the Slovak Republic will be interviewed by skype or telephone.

Telephone interviews are made at the applicant’s expense, and the applicant should make the call. Many applicants use Skype, which is perfectly acceptable and ensures that the cost is minimal. If you are unfamiliar with Skype, please ask us for information.

D Interview Aims:
The interviewer (one of the course tutors) will ask questions related to your future plans, the content of your application, and some further questions similar to those on the application. You will have the chance to ask questions about the course, and anything else you would like to know. At the end of the interview you will be informed as to whether your application has been successful. Perhaps the main aim is to make sure that we don’t offer a place to – and accept money from – someone who we feel does not have a good chance of passing the course.

E Acceptance:
If your interview is successful and you are offered a place in the course, you will be instructed on how to submit payment. If you are applying within six weeks of the course start date, payment will be required at that time to reserve your place. At this time, International House Bratislava, s.r.o. can receive payment via bank transfer. Feel free to contact us for more information or questions.

We will also send you our Centre´s Candidate Agreement and Pre-course task.

The aim of this task is to introduce you to some of the areas covered on the CELTA course and to provide you with the opportunity to prepare for the course. The tasks should be completed on a separate sheet, and you may be asked to submit it at the start of the course. This is not part of the interview and acceptance stages, but a series of 50 tasks to help you prepare for the course together with the answers. The tasks should be thought about and completed in the order they are presented, but you are not expected to complete the pre-course task at one sitting. It would be more beneficial for you to work on the task in a number of sittings over a period of time.

There are five sections to the task, with each section focusing on a specific topic area from the Cambridge CELTA syllabus. These are the units on which candidates are assessed during the course:
Unit 1 – Section 1 Learners and teachers, and the learning and teaching context
Unit 2 – Section 2 Language analysis and awareness
Unit 3 – Section 3 Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing
Unit 4 – Section 4 Planning and resources
Unit 5 – Section 5 Developing teaching skills and professionalism

To help you successfully complete these tasks it is advised to do some pre-course reading. Here are some books which may be useful:
Gower, Walters & Philips – Teaching Practice Handbook – 2nd edition (Macmillan) Harmer, J. – How to Teach English – 3rd edition (Longman) Kenworthy, J – Teaching English Pronunciation (Longman) Lewis, M & Hill, J – Practical Techniques for Language Teaching (LTP) Riddell, D - Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language (Teach Yourself) (Hodder Arnold H&S) Scrivener J – Learning Teaching (Macmillan)

F Cancellations:
In the case of cancellation six weeks or more before the course starting date, 90% of the total fee will be refunded. With less than six weeks ‘notice, 50% of the total fee will be refunded. If cancellation occurs in the final ten working days before the starting date, no refund will be given. In the event of a course being cancelled the course fees will be refunded.

G Equal Opportunities
International House Bratislava believes that equal opportunities are important in order to: Encourage the development of individuals’ abilities, talents and potential to the full Attract potential students from the widest possible pool of talent. Meet its moral and legal obligations. Provide a working environment free from unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation.

H Acceptance onto training courses:
International House Bratislava staff involved in the recruitment and selection of trainees will ensure the company’s recruitment and selection policy is adhered to and that:
  • A carefully worded and objective trainee interview profile is produced for all potential candidates, outlining the essential skills, knowledge and experience and characteristics required by Cambridge English.
  • Suitably trained staff will judge eligibility for entry to all courses based solely on professionally and academically relevant criteria.

I Disclosure of information relating to disability or other relevant factors:
Whilst legally there is no obligation for persons to disclose information pertaining to disability or other factors, International House Bratislava respectfully requests that all applicants disclose any disability or other health factor which might otherwise foreseeably contribute to the applicant being:
  • At risk of harm or injury to self or others whilst attending a course
  • At risk of compromising the successful outcome or completion of the course
  • At risk of exposure to any other otherwise detrimental outcome or event.
All information received is treated in absolute confidence, and will not count in any way against the application nor against the candidate during the course.

J Complaints
Students or employees who feel they have been discriminated against should raise the matter with the Director and/or the course tutors. Initially the student/employee and Director/Tutors should aim to resolve the matter informally. It may be that discriminatory action is unwitting and easily resolved once the problem is clear. If students or employees are dissatisfied with the outcome, or the complaint is very serious, or the Director(s) is/are the cause of the complaint, the student/employee should raise the matter, in writing to both the Directors of the school and Cambridge Assessment English.


Who is CELTA for?

New teachers starting their career First-language English speakers and non-first-language speakers Teachers with some experience who want to develop their skills Teachers who want to travel and teach English You can take CELTA in many schools all over the world, and in Slovakia – it is IH Bratislava. We can run the CELTA course in Bratislava also thanks to Erasmus+ (OID E10155217).

"After having lived and worked in London for the last 20 years, I reached a point where I was ready to change the course of my life. After finishing my master’s degree in Education, I started to look for something to give me that extra edge and a solid starting point in pursuing my teaching career. Then I came across CELTA. At first, I was not sure if CELTA would be what I needed.
But I decided to pursue the certificate, and I am delighted to say that it was the best thing I could have done. You see, speaking a language and teaching it to other people are two very different things.
Being a very intensive 4-week course, CELTA was packed with all the inside of how to approach language materials and turn them into a tool for effective communicative English language teaching. In combination with our tutors’ fantastic and constant support, real classroom teaching experiences and very well-sourced materials, it took me on a journey of self and language discovery. By the end of it I was ready to step in any classroom, anywhere in the world and teach away!
Big thanks go to International House in Bratislava for organizing it and of course to our wonderful, experienced and knowledgeable tutors without who it would not be possible!"

Lada, Greater London
"Before the CELTA course, I had been teaching only one-on-one online English lessons. I couldn't imagine being able to conduct an effective lesson with more than one student. The course taught me, however, various methods and ways to deal with more students in one class effectively and efficiently. Moreover, I think that now I prefer group lessons over individual ones, which I thought would never happen.
Thanks to the course I have also met and made friends with awesome people who taught me a lot about teaching English. With my tutors and trainee peers we have constantly exchanged opinions and ideas on how to hone our teaching techniques and create the lessons which our students would enjoy attending. Participation in the course really was an invaluable experience, and I can´t recommend it highly enough for all those who are serious about teaching English.
And finally, a special thanks goes to our amazing tutors Laura and Stephanie whose passion and love for English is genuine and contagious. As you said Laura: “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”, and you made us feel wonderful the whole course."

"CELTA course at IH Bratislava has exceeded my expectations. The course was led by two highly professional teacher trainers who were able to help me develop my teaching skills in an effective but also very empathetic way. It is very demanding regarding time and effort but it is doable and absolutely worth it. The centre provided us with all the facilities and amenities that we needed. I am very satisfied and I can highly recommend this course to anyone who is serious about teaching English and wants to become an efficient teacher."
"The CELTA course at IH Bratislava completely fulfilled my expectation, and I was given way more than I was expecting. I had some teaching experience prior to applying for CELTA, but I felt that I needed to make my teaching methods more strategic and organised. I couldn’t choose a better way to do that! I learnt how to teach different types of skills, how to deliver an effective grammar lesson, how to organise my lesson into logical stages and, what I ended up appreciating the most, how to make my classes more student-centred and purposeful for the learners. All that was made possible thanks to our lovely and experienced tutors Laura and Stephanie, who were constantly providing us with useful feedback and advice. The staff of the IH centre in Bratislava was incredibly friendly, and even though those 4 weeks were truly intense, we felt welcomed and supported all the time. If you decide to apply for CELTA, you’ll get (in addition to some sleepless nights) so much invaluable experience, feedback, improvement, and a bunch of like-minded peer trainees :)"
"I feel fortunate that I could have taken part in the CELTA course at IH this year. It was hard and intense, but I feel my confidence and competence has improved a lot. Our tutors Laura and Stephanie have set an inspiring example when conducting extremely enjoyable, communicative sessions on complex linguistic issues. Moreover, our teaching has been insightfully observed, discussed, commented, appreciated and most of all, improved. I have also enjoyed a wonderful, encouraging team spirit our classmates and tutors have created during the course. To sum up, the course has been an immense source of knowledge, skills and inspiration, and was definitely worth of money and hard work."
"Nothing could have prepared me for just how intensive the CELTA course was. That said, it was definitely worth all the hard work. The input sessions are really helpful and engaging and Laura & Stephanie (our tutors) were supportive and approachable. I'd recommend the CELTA course at IH Bratislava to anyone who wants to teach English because it clarifies the methodology behind effective teaching practice. An experience that has taught me valuable skills that I can apply in the classroom."